Honduras (Roatán)

Trip Summary

Favorite Experiences

What I Wish I Knew

Trip Summary

One of my husband’s lifelong dreams was to one day hold a sloth. They are adorable creatures, and while there are many sanctuaries around the world, not many allow visitors to hold them (or do so in a way that is kind and respectful to the animals). So when we read about the sloth sanctuary in Roatán, Honduras that let you hold them (but also served as a rescue for sloths and had a humane method of switching them out so that none of the animals got overwhelmed), we knew that we found our next tourist destination!

I mean, look at this thing! Adorable!

Knowing that mainland Honduras can be a bit dicey to visit, we decided to visit on a cruise instead (Roatán is separate from the mainland and is very heavily secured with armed guards). But lo and behold, the cruise was cancelled due to COVID, so we had to wait to try again. Well, this year was our redo…and the dream of holding a sloth finally came to be!

When researching, we saw that Daniel Johnson’s Monkey and Sloth Hangout was the best place to visit, so beforehand, I booked tickets to visit (and get roundtrip transportation). The place is very popular and the lines can get quite long, so I wanted to get there as soon as the ship docked. So we made arrangements, got instructions for where to meet our transportation, and all was set!

But then our cruise ship had mechanical issues and everything from the engine to the electricity was going haywire, and this caused a significant delay in getting into port. Without any cell signal, I wasn’t sure if they would still be waiting…hours after our initial pickup time, but there they were! They keep tabs on the cruise ships’ schedules, and they were right where they said they would be with a sign and everything, and as soon as they saw us, we were escorted into an air conditioned van (much welcome in the blazing heat of the summer!) to the sloth sanctuary. The driver was nice, and we got to see glimpses of the island as we traveled to the Hangout.

At long last, we made it!

Once we arrived, we checked in at the front desk (a full tour to see the sloths/monkeys/birds plus transportation to and from the cruise ship was extremely cheap and a solid buy for the experience we got!). They also only take cash, and the bills have to be in pristine condition (something I found out when the desk assistant wouldn’t take a bill with a crease in it–luckily, I had other bills with me, but make sure your money has no markings, rips, or creases, because then you might be stuck). And then, we were escorted inside as the first group!

After they give you a safety briefing (mostly for the monkey experience as you cannot bring any purses or belongings inside as the monkeys are very curious and will steal them–jewelry also shouldn’t be worn), you get to see the sloths first. Once you stand around in a circle, they bring out a sloth and let people take turns holding it. They have very strict rules such as no rocking it, petting it, or walking with it, but these are for good reason as they are still delicate creatures. Then, they brought her out–one of their older rescues, a sweet girl named Snow White.

A dream come true for my husband!

She was the most adorable thing and would turn and look at the cameras and lean her head on you. You really wanted to melt when you held her! So cute and the few minutes we got to hold her were too short as she was whisked away to the next person (if you want to hold the sloths again, you have to book a whole new tour, so enjoy the time while you can!).

The sweetest thing you’ll ever hold!

Luckily, we were all snapping as many pics and videos as we possibly could to capture the moment, because it was truly one worth waiting for! Such amazing animals, and to hold one close is the best experience.

My mother-in-law with Snow White. No one wanted to give her up when the experience was over!

But the fun was not over yet! Next up were the monkeys, and they were just as fun! There is a collection of spider monkeys that you can get into an exhibit with, and as the handler leads you inside, he instructs you all into a circle, then holding a bottle of soda (which they absolutely obsess over!), he leads them around the circle, and they jump and climb all over you. It was hilarious feeling their little feet in your hair, on your shoulders, and on your head as they grabbed at the soda bottle and inspected you for anything they might steal (this is the reason why you can’t bring anything inside–something I found out when I was standing outside the cage and a monkey had reached out and grabbed my purse, pulling me toward the cage…and they are strong!).

Loved these guys!

They make such funny faces, too, as they check you out and jump around, and this was such a fun addition to the sloth experience! Definitely a great way to interact with the animals!

However, there was one more thing to see! And that was the tropical birds! The bird family is actually made of a mother and her children, and there was every bit of sibling rivalry in that cage!

Watch out! Angry birds overhead!

Whether they were squawking, hassling each other, flying overhead, or sitting on your head/arm, they were also great fun to see. So colorful, too, and the pictures we took of them were a fun addition to the day. So much fun here!

My in-laws and their bird friend!

However, even seeing three exhibits, the excursion was over before we knew it, and after looking around the gift shop, we headed back to the van where our driver was waiting for us. It was a quick trip back to the port, but my goodness, what a fun day! Definitely a highlight of the trip, and they even offer full day excursions that include snorkeling, beach time, and more–you just go to their website and select what you want to see and do. We had considered adding onto our excursion, but I am glad that we didn’t, because our day was already cut quite short due to our ship’s continuing mechanical issues.

So for the hangout, it definitely lives up to expectations! And you absolutely cannot beat the price! Highly recommend!

Daniel Johnson’s Monkey and Sloth Hangout: A+

Our van dropped us off past the security gate where there were some restaurants and shops, so we spent some time looking at souvenirs and stopped to enjoy a drink before getting back on the ship. But what a day! So much fun, and I am so glad that we finally made it to this bucket-list place to hold the sloths!

Favorite Experiences

As much as I enjoyed holding Snow White, I think it has to be tied with the monkeys, just because they were so hilarious to watch. I really did not expect to enjoy them so much, so I will have to put them on an equal field. The sloth, though, oh, my goodness. There is just nothing like that sweet thing just hanging on you and leaning her head on you. Such a sweet moment, and one I know my husband and I will cherish!

What I Wish I Knew

I mentioned bringing new bills for the Hangout, so definitely remember to bring those. Knowing now what curious thieves the monkeys are, I don’t think I would have brought my purse, but instead would have just brought my money in a pocket or something. The handlers made everyone put their things in an open bookshelf before going inside the enclosure, and while it should be safe, I don’t like to just leave my belongings out, so perhaps leave the purses/backpacks/so on on the ship/at the hotel.

I am also glad that I didn’t wear any makeup, because it would have all melted off. I was shocked at how hot and humid the place was and in all of our pictures, we are red and sweaty, but I guess that is all part of the experience! So wear cool clothes if you go in the summer, don’t worry about your make-up, and have a good time! It is truly an amazing experience!

I also post reels and TikToks regularly of all the places I’ve reviewed on here, so if you want to see some videos of what to expect, check out my social media here:

TikTok: @touristyteacher

Instagram: @touristyteacher

Facebook: @touristyteacher

Happy travels!